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Katy Perry: Russell Brand Divorce Felt 'Too Intense' at First, I Just Drank, Ate Cheetos The 17-year-old student played the role of Betty Rizzo - and certainly looked the part!ĥ. There are worse things she could do! Madonna's daughter Lourdes Leon starred in her high school's production of Grease on Sunday, Dec. Madonna's Daughter Lourdes Stars in Grease High School Musical: See Her as Rizzo! The movie may have been a bust, but Ben Affleck sees one silver lining from 2003's Daredevil: It's on that set he fell in love with wife Jennifer Garner.Ĥ. Ben Affleck Fell in Love With Jennifer Garner on Daredevil Set, Calls His Wife the 'Most Important Person to Me'

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More pictures of unlikely celebrity besties.ģ.

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Gwyneth Paltrow really is friends with everyone - including ex-boyfriend Brad Pitt's famous ex-wife Jennifer Aniston! Along with rocker hubby Chris Martin, the GOOP founder, 41, was among the many A-list attendees at Aniston and fiance Justin Theroux's annual holiday and tree trimming party at their Bel Air home in on Sunday, Dec.

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